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Yonode | The Node.js Toolkit for Rapid Development

Develop Servers
Efficiently & Rapidly

Yonode is a Node.js toolkit
that streamlines your workflow, enabling you
to craft efficient server solutions rapidly.
Screenshot of a ListPage in Saas UI Pro

Yonode Templates

Yonode templates are pre-built Node.js structures from the Yonode toolkit, designed to simplify backend development by streamlining server setups and database connections, enabling faster creation of unique features

Dual-Language Support

Yonode support both JavaScript and TypeScript, offering flexibility to match project needs or preferences. This dual-language capability broadens access to Yonode's rapid development and best practices.

MVC Folder Structure

Yonode use a Model-View-Controller (MVC) directory layout to promote clean code separation and scalability, supporting both JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

Database Configurations

Yonode include pre-configured setups for various databases (SQL, NoSQL) and may integrate Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools. These configurations facilitate database interactions using object-oriented programming.

Authentication Flows

Yonode provides templates specifically designed for implementing secure authentication mechanisms, such as login, and registration.

Middleware Integrations

Yonode include common middleware setups for logging, error handling, body parsing, and session management, crucial for preprocessing requests, enhancing security, and extending functionality.

Environment Setup

Yonode provide examples for managing environment variables and configurations, essential for setting variables across different environments without embedding sensitive information directly in the code.

Key Features

Explore Yonode, an open-source Node.js toolkit for backend development, featuring many ecosystems. It offers controllers, models, middlewares, authentication, and authorization to streamline your process, all completely free.



Proven Efficiency

"We believe in efficiency, and so should you. Yonode is built on top of the most productive and established tools in the field, sparing you from reinventing the wheel."

Mc Hamouda

Software Engineer
"Yonode revolutionized our server setup, granting us more time to concentrate on vital business logic. It drastically reduced development hours, enabling us to establish a modern and efficient server architecture quickly."

Start your next idea two steps ahead

We took care of all your basic backend needs, so you can start building functionality that makes your product unique.

    mvc architectureauthenticationroutercontrollermodelsorm supportyour desire dbfrontend support.envdocumentation

Loved by tech people

Duraan Ali

Software Engineer, Founder & Mentor

"Yonode has been a catalyst for a transformative shift in our server development. It has empowered us to prioritize essential business logic while making substantial reductions in development hours. As a result, our server infrastructure stands as a testament to modernity and efficiency, all thanks to the game-changing impact of Yonode."


Software Engineer, YouTuber

“Yonode transformed our development process, providing the freedom to prioritize essential business logic. It significantly slashed development hours, expediting the creation of a cutting-edge and highly efficient server infrastructure”

Mohammed Amin

Frontend Engineer

"Yonode has been a game-changer for our server development. It empowered us to focus on core business logic while dramatically reducing development hours. Our server infrastructure is now modern and efficient, thanks to Yonode's impact."


The Node.js Toolkit for Rapid Development

Built by Mr Sharafdin with SASSJS
